About CYSD
CYSD (Centre for Youth and Social Development) is a non-government and non-profit organization established in 1982, working to improve the quality of lives of tribal, rural and urban poor in Odisha, with a primary focus to eradicate extreme poverty, ensuring social inclusion and justice, good governance and citizen’s right. Helping communities identify and initiate development measures; providing training and other capacity-building support to pro-poor organizations and individuals; and carrying out research and influencing policies in favour of the under privileged people especially the tribal.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Core Values

CYSD carves out three coherent and reinforcing strategic actions such as, Building sustainable rural livelihoods; Inclusive education (school education, social security, health, & civic education), and reducing disaster vulnerability & addressing climate change concerns for the State’s development.
CYSD has demonstrated strong leadership and expertise in addressing poverty and vulnerability issues in the State through facilitating interface platforms between people and policy makers; shaping policy discourse on various governance, livelihoods, and last mile outreach issues through innovative policy and budget research and through active participation in the state and national forums.
CYSD endeavors to bring about the perceptive of accountability and transparency in State’s governance mechanism engaging the community
and the government functionaries together. The organisation has strong resource competence and credibility in areas of facilitating micro-plans and community capacity building. It is also equipped to effectively use the accountability tools like Social Audit, Community Score Card, Citizens’ Report Card, Public Hearing, Budget Tracking and use of Right to Information.
The pilots of CYSD like, Women Self-Help Group promotion work in 1980’s; watershed development in 1990’s; agro-forestry and collective farming in 2000’s have become mainstream activities by several CSOs and the Government.