Building Trust, a Key to Interpersonal Relationship
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” — Albert Einstein.
Trust is the basis around which all human relationships revolve. Without trust there can be no relationship. The need for trust arises from our interdependence with others. There are numerous instances in our life when we depend on others to help us get what we want, to support us when we need it, to guide us when we are beset with problems or crisis. Trust is very valuable in social interactions.
Trust can come inherently or it can be manifested. For instance, when there is always someone there for us like, mother and father which is a natural trust. Having faith and intimate relationships, a good husband or wife is trustworthy if their expression – words and actions match. Unless we trust someone then he/she is not available for us. Essentially trust is loyalty. Besides, Trust is a key element in conflict resolution, problem solving and decision-making. It is the bedrock for teamwork. Constant care & investment help bringing closeness and trustworthiness
To remain trustworthy for others, especially those are close to us, we need to constantly invest in maintaining trust. Trust is an enduring mutual relationship and it reinforces in challenging situations. Trust can be collapsed in breaching of trustworthiness. Open up mind or self disclosure inspires and encourages trust in others.
Some factors responsible for building trust in inter personal relationships can be cited here: 1) To be honest with someone, we must know ourselves and we have to understand what we really think and feel about the world around us; 2) Communication is an important factor in building trust in interpersonal relationship. So we need to engage in open and transparent communication; 3) We should be transparent and show our vulnerability before other while building trust, as lack of those breed suspicion in the relationship; 4) We cannot expect the relationship to be smooth sailing all the way. Some situations are great for gauging one another and will lead to a greater sense of mutuality and understanding; 5) We do not have to necessarily agree with everything that our friends say and approve of their every behavior. If we find something that does not match with our thought process, views and values, simply we can express our differences in a proper manner without hesitation; 6) Its always necessary to maintain consistency and integrity to make our actions match to our words in building trust; 7) We should always be willing to listen to our friends and to see things from their point of view as well and be open to receiving honest and constructive feedback directed at us; 8) No matter how closely we are connected with friends, we should always consider that we are two separate people with independent minds. If a friend does not see things the same we do, there is no reason to feel hurt or offended; 9) We have to be positive and respectful in our words and actions, so that people will trust that we are likely to treat them in similar manner;10) We should look for opportunities to make an effort with our words, behavior and action helping our friends to learn, grow and build upon;. 12) Trust cultivation requires genuine and continual invest of care and sincere interest in the relations; 13) Lastly, for a common task, mutual cooperation and support also help to build trust among team members or colleagues. People intuitively trust people who are similar to themselves.