Monsoon Potato brings Livelihood Transformation in Kashipur Block
In the lush landscapes of Kashipur Block in Rayagada district of Odisha, a transformative episode unfolded in the life of Kamala Majhi, a 45-year-old tribal farmer from Mati Maa Producers Group, Bariaguda village. Traditionally engaged in cultivating crops like Ragi, Maize, Nizer, paddy, and minor millets, Kamala embraced a new opportunity brought forth by the intervention of CYSD-UANAT (Utkal’s Action for Agricultural Transformation) Project for cultivation of monsoon potatoes. Shift from traditional forest based livelihoods to agriculture was further encouraged by CYSD’s initiative to promote cash crops, particularly vegetable cultivation throughout the year.
After getting involved in a village-level community mobilization meeting organized by CYSD, Kamala decided to take up the challenge of cultivating monsoon potato in her sloppy land. Although it was her first attempt, the guidance provided by the CYSD expert team increased her apprehensions.
In 2023, around 285 farmers, including Kamala Majhi, received support from the Horticulture Department with the facilitation of CYSD to cultivate monsoon potatoes. Kamala, along with her husband Danar Majhi, received agri-inputs support like, 100 Kg potato seeds along with organic fertilizer and field bonding assistance to develop her sloppy degraded land. With proper seed treatment, preparation of bio-fertilizer and land development, Kamala implanted the potato seeds in July, overcoming challenges posed by continuous rain and soil erosion that affected other farmers in her village.
Despite the adverse weather conditions, Kamala’s strategic approach, combined with the benefits of sloping land and adherence to good agricultural practices, resulted in successful harvest. She yielded around 347 Kg of potatoes and set an example for other members of Mati Maa Producer Group and neighboring villages.
Kamala’s financial gain from monsoon potato cultivation was substantial. With an investment of Rs. 3,230, including the support from horticulture department, she generated an income of Rs. 10,400 by selling 347 Kg of potatoes at Rs. 30 per Kg in the Dongasil Haat and near Farm Gate and kept 20 Kg small size potato for family consumption. After deducting the investment, Kamala made a profit of Rs. 7180 in just four months. This income not only improved the household’s economic status but also ensured her family’s food security.
The members of Mati Maa Producer Group including Kamala, expressed their appreciation for the initiative taken jointly by the UANAT project of CYSD and Horticulture Department. “I see this intervention as a successful model which can be replicated in other villages and the model has good potential to uplift the trial population’s livelihood”, said the Deputy Director, Horticulture, Rayagada.
In the heart of Kashipur Block, Kamala Majhi’s journey from a traditional crop cultivation to monsoon potato cultivation signifies resilience, adaptability, and the positive impact of strategic interventions on tribal livelihoods. “Kamala’s success story will continue to inspire and ignite hope for a brighter and more sustainable future in Kashipur Block”, added the DDH.