Nestled near the foothills of Bajragadh, Hemalata Tandi and Rasmita Sunani, fuelled by their aspirations for change, established the Maa Jagadamba Self-Help Group in Sialdungri, located in the Keshinga Block of Kalahandi district.Together with like-minded women, they aimed to uplift their community and families. Their venture began with manufacturing paper plates to cater to local celebrations. However, challenges soon arose—frequent machine breakdowns and inconsistent quality tested their determination. Despite setbacks, Hemalata and Rasmita remained steadfast, determined to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future through perseverance and collective effort.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, the Maa Jagadamba SHG’s paper plate business stalled. Seeking alternatives, they began producing Mudki, a traditional snack, but without business knowledge, the venture failed too. Everything changed in 2023 when, under Project Surakshya, CYSD supported Hemalata Tandi and Rasmita Sunani in attending a training program in Bhubaneswar. They learned business basics, identifying opportunities, managing finances, and record-keeping. Hemalata recalls, “We saw a clear path forward for the first time.”

Armed with new skills, Hemalata revitalized the group, restarting Mudki snacks production with a proper plan. They improved quality, streamlined processes, and maintained meticulous records. Orders grew steadily, generating a monthly income of nearly Rs. 80,000/-. Encouraged by this success, they revived their paper plate business with better management practices and ventured into fish farming alongside.

Their success transformed their lives. Children gained better amenities and living environment and financial independence empowered the women. “We no longer depend on our husbands for decisions,” says Rasmita proudly. The ripple effect inspired other women in the village, with Hemalata mentoring them. “If we can do it, anyone can. All you need is the right support and determination,” she says with confidence.

Today, Hemalata and Rasmita are more than entrepreneurs—they are community leaders, guiding Sialdungri toward a brighter, resilient future. Their journey continues, fueled by determination and collective strength.