In the middle of Rayagada district, Odisha, lies a small but peaceful village, Hajaridanga, where a strong sense of community prevails.Among its residents stands Kailash Sirika, a 31-year-old whose dedication and commitment have transformed his village. Kailash’s story is not merely a personal narrative but a testament to the power of grassroots leadership in driving positive change.

From a young age, Kailash dreamed of seeing Hajaridanga transformed into a developed village. He started as a volunteer in various awareness programs of CYSD and quickly took on key responsibilities, showcasing his leadership potential. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kailash played a pivotal role in the successful implementation of the vaccination program, ensuring the health and well-being of his fellow villagers.

Kailash’s contributions extended far beyond healthcare initiatives. With unwavering determination, he assisted numerous beneficiaries in accessing various government schemes, ranging from pension schemes to essential identity documents like Aadhar cards and voter IDs.  His efforts empowered individuals and strengthened governance within his community.

One of Kailash’s biggest achievements lie in his role within the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). As a champion for rural development, he spearheaded numerous irrigation projects that boosted agricultural productivity and livelihoods. His proactive approach ensured that all households were enrolled in the MGNREGS scheme for job opportunities, fostering widespread participation.

What sets Kailash apart is his hands-on approach to community engagement. He actively listens to villagers’ concerns and addresses those with empathy and understanding. This genuine connection has earned him the trust and respect of his community, fostering a culture of collaboration and solidarity.

Kailash’s leadership is characterised by inclusivity and empowerment.He believes in harnessing the community’s collective wisdom and resources to tackle challenges and capitalize on growth opportunities. Activating Palli Sabha, he has facilitated democratic decision-making processes, ensuring that every voice is heard and every opinion matters.

Under Kailash’s guidance, over 50% of households in Hajaridanga have secured employment through MGNREGS initiatives. His effective leadership and dedication to community development have earned him admiration and recognition from local authorities and fellow community members.As Kailash continues his journey as a beacon of hope and progress, his story serves as an inspiration to many. In a world discrimination, he stands as a shining example of what can be achieved through passion, perseverance, and commitment to the well-being of others.

Sidheswari Sahoo