CYSD has carved out four coherent and reinforcing strategies to justify its Vision and Mission for the development of the State. In its strategic response, CYSD has also factored the multiple development challenges in the State in order to accelerate the pace of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in three different dimensions: economic, social and environmental in an integrated manner. CYSD’s strategic response encompasses strong community level development interventions; to complement the larger governance efforts through capacity building, research, collaborations, influencing and aiding a vibrant civil society in the State. Disaster risk reduction and gender equality are two important cross-cutting themes across all strategic areas.
Strategic Objectives
a) Building Sustainable Livelihoods: CYSD’s livelihood strategy focuses on household food and nutrition security and expanding income earning opportunities for rural poor, more particularly tribals;
b) Promoting Inclusive Education: CYSD strives to improve the governance system that truly represents the voice of the poor. The democratic bodies, service delivery institutions are transparent and accountable to their constituencies and at the same time contribute towards building strong access, entitlements and rights of the poor and marginalized communities including women.
c) Reducing disaster vulnerability and promoting community adaptation to climate change: CYSD further its role as strong regional player in disaster preparedness and enhance its effort towards innovating climate change adaptation practices and research. At the same time Organisation would build its understanding on mitigation issues as well as the global frameworks like, REDD+, Carbon trading, COP2 process, Voluntary Carbon Market, etc.
d) Fostering Inclusivity in Development Agenda: CYSD endeavour to make the State responsive to the inclusive development agenda. Towards this, the organisation would draw its action agenda for capacity development of political and bureaucratic actors; facilitate multi sectoral development dialogue and aid to a vibrant civil society including media. The organisation would engage with children as focus group and approach them as future citizen of India instead of considering them as add on.
Impact Groups: CYSD has reinforced to continue the engagement with most vulnerable communities in both rural and urban locations, experiencing shortages of food and having the most difficulty to build a sustainable livelihood such as SCs & STs, landless, marginal and small farmers, poor women, migrants, physically challenged and children to meet the strategic objectives. Special effort shall be made to reach the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG) Communities.