Sustainable Livelihoods
Odisha Tribal Empowerment & Livelihood Programme Plus (OTELP Plus)
Goal/ Objective: Enable the poor tribal households to ensure their livelihoods and food security through efficient, equitable, self-managed and optimum use of the natural resources; off-farm/ non-farm enterprise development; and access to rights and entitlements.
Geography: 1378 Households in 23 villages of 4 Gram Panchayats of Dasmantpur Block in Koraput district
Client/ Donors: Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Koraput
Period: April 2016 to March 2021
Strengthening Forest & Forest Based Livelihood
Goal/Objective: Improve forest condition and enhance the income of the forest-dependent communities in Odisha.
Geography: 4000 households from 250 villages of 25 GPS covering five blocks- Boipariguda, Kundura, Laxmipur, Narayanpatna, and Bandhugaon Koraput district.
Client / Donor: USAID
Period: 11.07.2014 to 30.07.2017
Strengthening of Small Holder Agriculture In Odisha
Goal/Objective: Enhance livelihood capabilities and functioning of the women farmers through participatory action; training and capacity building, and evidence based research and advocacy initiatives.
Client / Donor: OXFAM India
Geography: 1307 households in Boipariguda and Kundra blocks of Koraput district.
Period: 01.07.2012 to 30.6.2015
Promotion of Agriculture Production Clusters in Tribal Regions of Odisha
Objective: Double the farmers’ income and develop livelihood assets for round the year
Geography & Impact Group: 9000 Households in 166 Villages 2 Blocks (Boipariguda & Kundura) of Koraput & 1 Block (Thakurmunda) of Mayurbhanj district
Client/ Donors: Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF)
Period: November 2018 to September 2021
Special Programme on Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha
Objective: Improve production and consumption of millet, develop millet enterprises and establish market linkages to rural/urban
Geography & Impact Group:3510 HHs in 150 Villages of Boipariguda Block in Koraput district
Client/ Donors: Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA)
Period: June 2017 to March 2021

Inclusive Governance
Migration Resource Centre
Goal/ Objective: Facilitate GPs to maintain a detailed database of the migrants for planning and monitoring and link them with various development programmes and schemes
Geography: 2469 migrants in 20 GPs of Malkangiri & Rayagada
Client/ Donors: UNICEF Odisha Field Office
Period: September 2020 to March 2021
Expanding reach of social protection schemes and entitlements to marginalized individuals and families
Goal/ Objective: Facilitate access to entitlements of the vulnerable people during Covid pandemic through awareness generation, entitlement monitoring, mapping returnee migrants in collaboration with the community, civil society and the administration to facilitate linkage of social protection schemes for the vulnerable HHs
Geography: 19342 HHs in 150 villages of 15 GPs from 6 blocks of Koraput, Malkangiri, & Rayagada district
Client/ Donors: UNDP
Period: May 2020 to December 2020
Rapid Community Action to COVID 19
Goal/ Objective: Response to Covid – 19 through awareness generation, realisation of entitlements, and psycho-social support
Geography: 6414 HHs in 9 GPs of Saharpada block of Keonjhar district
Client/ Donors: RCRC Network through PRADAN
Period: July 2020 to February 2021
Reclaiming Policy and Budget Priorities for Rain-fed Agriculture
Goal/ Objective: Policy research on Rain-fed Agriculture in Odisha
Geography: Odisha
Client/ Donors: Revitalizing Rain-fed Agriculture Network
Period: April 2018 to December 2020
Reducing Inequality in health in Odisha
Goal/ Objective: Greater number of people from marginalised communities of the backward regions of the state will have increased access to public health care services.
Geography: Odisha
Client/ Donors: Oxfam India
Period: April 2018 to March 2021
Child Centered Community Development (CCCD)
Goal / Objective:
- Empower and develop the disadvantaged groups including women and children through people’s institutions and intermediary organizations.
- Promote Child Rights and participation in most marginalized communities to end child poverty and injustice.
Geography: 95 villages in 17 Gram Panchayats across Mayurbhanj (Thakurmunda block) and Keonjhar (Saharapada block) districts.
Client / Donor: Plan International (India)
Period: 1/7/2018 – 30/06/2020
Child Centered Community Development through child sponsorship programme
Goal / Objective: Early Childhood Development, Maternal and Child health and Nutrition, School Quality improvement, back to school for dropout children, skill development, Life skill, Institution building for the community
Geography: 130 villages in 9 GPs of Mathili, Khairput & Korukonda Blocks of Malkangiri district and 33 villages in 9 GPs of Rayagada and Kolnara block of Rayagada districts of Odisha
Client / Donor: Child Fund India
Period: 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2020
Expanding reach of social protection schemes and entitlements to marginalized individuals and families.
Goal / Objective: Strengthen the delivery of access to social protection scheme and other welfare package announced in wake of Covid-19 outbreak for the returnee migrants and other vulnerable households.
Client/Donor: UNDP
Geography: Malkanagiri, Rayagada and Koraput districts of Odisha.
Period: 26 May 2020 – 25 Oct 2020
Strengthening Public Provisioning of Healthcare in Odisha
Goal/ Objective:
- Policy Asks of the Campaign Stepping up overall public spending on Health,
- Ensuring adequate access to free generic medicines in all government health care,
- Addressing shortage of medical staff in the health care sector at the State level through research and knowledge building, meeting, seminars and campaigns.
Client/ Donor: National Foundation for India
Geography: Odisha State
Period: 1 October 2017 – 30 Sept 2018
Budget work in India: Advancing and Promoting Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Governance
Goal/Objective: Pre Budget consultation with a clear Charter of Demand and Post-Budget Consultation, enhancing greater budget transparency at the state and sub-state level, improving budgetary allocation and spending for critical social sectors and vulnerable groups, people participating in budgetary processes.
Geography: Odisha State
Client/ Donor: National Foundation for India
Period: 1 October 2017 – 30 Sept 2018
Prioritizing Health through evidence based policy research and legislative advocacy in Odisha
Goal/ Objective: Engagement with elected representatives in Odisha towards improving the quality and affordability of Maternal and Child Health Care in Odisha.
Geography: Kalahandi and Bolangiri districts of Odisha
Client/ Donor: National Foundation for India
Period: 1 April 2017- 31 March 2018
Improving Maternal Health
- Improve awareness on and demand for improved quality, affordable maternal health services and package of entitlements
- Improvement in maternal and child health through social determinant approach
- Community empowerment & capacity building;
- Building accountability of State/District machinery in maternal health programs
Client / Donor: OXFAM India
Geography: Kandhamal and Sundargarh districts
Period: 01.04.2012 to 31.3.2015
Community Monitoring System For Food Security (PDS) In Odisha
- Contribute towards improving the quality governance process and service delivery practices of the public distribution system in Odisha through community action and policy advocacy.
- Institutionalizing the community-owned monitoring system for PDS.
Client/Donor: Trocaire
Geography: Koraput and Kandhamal districts of Odisha.
Period: 01.05.2012 to 31.12.2015
Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Rollout for Quality Secondary Education
Goal / Objective:
- Improve the quality of secondary education by forming and strengthening School Management and Development Committees (SMDCs) in 25 secondary schools.
- Train 425 SMDC members and schoolteachers through training based on RMSA guidelines.
- Track changes in enrolment, retention, infrastructure, Parent-Teacher Association meetings, students’ performances and implementation of school development plans.
- Provide counseling and training support to 150 School Cabinet members.
- Ensure 25 secondary schools have the necessary infrastructure through advocacy.
Client/Donor: Kusuma Trust
Geography: Maneswar, Dhankauda & Naktideula Blocks of Sambalpur district, Odisha
Period: 01.07. 2012 to 31.11. 2013
Strengthening Rights of Young Children through Citizenry Budget Tracking in Odisha.
Goal / Objective:
- Examine the state’s priorities in policy and budget formulation to ensure the rights of the children in relation to ICDS;
- Enable the legislators, media, and civil society organizations to debate on the issues of children during budget formulation, enactment as well as implementation by the state; and
- Build the capacity of civil society and rights-based organizations to use the budget as a tracking tool to monitor the rights of the children and initiate evidence-based dialogue with the state.
Client/Donor: Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF)
Geography: State of Odisha
Period: 01.07. 2012 to 30.06.2015
Building Disaster Resilience of Vulnerable Community.
Goal / Objective:
- To enhance the disaster resilience of ‘’at-risk communities” in the coastal district of Orissa.
- To strengthen and enhance the disaster resilience of high-risk communities of Orissa by developing capacities of critical stakeholders to prepare against and effectively respond to natural disasters.
Client / Donor: Concern Worldwide
Geography: Satyabadi Block of Puri district
Period: 15 March 2011 – 14 Sept 2012
Promoting technical support and citizens’ oversight in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in Odisha
Goal / Objective:
- Initiate and stabilize a citizen-led process of monitoring of the system of ECCD services with a view to identifying key aspects of quality and strengthening good practices;
- Develop pedagogic resources and capacity for extending technical support to ECCD programmes run by different agencies for children of vulnerable communities in rural/tribal areas of Odisha.
- Build institutional capacity of trainer-facilitators from civil society and other organizations for improvement in quality of ECCD services.
Client/Donor: Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF)
Geography: Sundargarh and Koraput districts
Period: 01.04. 2009 to 30.06.2013
Building up Stronger Local Self-Governance in Odisha
Goal/ Objective:
- Link the state-level initiatives on NREGS, FRA, and Right to Food at the micro-level.
- Undertake Micro-studies in collaboration with the resource teams to collate and compile for strengthening state-level advocacy.
Geography: Keonjhar Sadar, Banspal and Saharapada Blocks of Keonjhar district, Odisha
Client/Donor: Concern Worldwide
Power to Community Leaders
Objective: Bring together pro-active and dedicated community leaders to the community development and empowerment process; help them to understand their community and the society as a whole, their own organization and value-based leadership, and set the agenda to take the process forward
Geography & Impact Group: 200 potential community leaders have been identified and are being nurtured and provided with regular hand holding support to lead the process of development at the grassroots level in the districts of Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Koraput, Malkangiri & Rayagada.
Client/ Donors: Civil Society Academy, New Delhi
Period: August 2019 to December, 2021
Objective: Improving water, sanitation and hygiene conditions at the community level
Geography & Impact Group: 3 GPs from Chhatrapur, Ganjam
Client/ Donors: IRC
Period: 01/07/2021 – 30/04/2022
SAMBAD - Digital solution to improve nutritional status and social well-being of tribal women
Goal/ Objective Geography: Maximize penetration of knowledge on maternal and child health behavior with a focus on nutrition of women in the 1000 days for themselves and their children
Geography: 23231HHs in 174 villages from 25 GPs of 3 blocks in the districts of Keonjhar & Mayurbhanj
Client/ Donors: Digital Green
Period: July 2018 to July 2021
Mitigating Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Goal/ Objective Geography: Decrease gender-based violence in Odisha through community involvement and setting up Help Desks
Geography: 90 Villages in 3 Districts (Koraput, Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar) of Odisha
Client/ Donors: IC Net & JICA
Period: 12/03/2021 to 11/09/2021
Preparation of Village Disaster Management Plans (VDMPs)
Goal/ Objective Geography: Formation of Village Disaster Management Committee and Task Force, and preparation of Village Disaster Management Plan
Geography: 530 villages from 7 districts of Odisha
Client/ Donors: District Disaster Management Authority
Period: August 2019 to December 2020

Skill Development
Skill training for the returnee migrants in agri-allied sector
Goal/ Objective: Provide alternative livelihood opportunities for the rural migrants in their locality
Geography: 1800 rural migrants from the districts of Koraput, Malkangiri, Rayagada, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Jajpur & Khurda
Client/ Donors: Give India
Period: October 2020 to March 2021
Women on Wheels
Goal/ Objective: Empowering economically less privileged women in driving skills and thus helping them generate gainful employment through placement opportunities
Geography: 35 resource poor women in Bhubaneswar
Client/ Donors: Mahindra Azad Foundation
Period: March, 2018 to March 2021.
World on Wheels
Goal/ Objective: HP World on Wheels – WOW – a 20 seated computer and IT enabled vehicle powered by green energy and backed by numerous software suites and cloud integration, a fully loaded digital literacy programme is an effective initiative to bring rural society on to digital platform.
Geography: 80 Schools in Mayurbhanj District
Client/ Donors: HP, EDII, Plan India
Period: 2018- 2020 (Not in operation since March)
Digital Literacy training and implementation in Odisha
Goal / Objective: Sensitize the rural community on digital literacy; help rural women to access internet; develop a band of women leaders
Client / Donor: Foundation for Rural Entrepreneurship Development (FREND) with support from Google & Tata Trusts
Geography: Khurda, Puri, Cuttack, Jajpur, Keonjhar & Mayurbhanj districts of Odisha
Period: 15/04/2019 – 15/12/2019
Goal/ Objective: Inspiring and activating young minds to be change agents for social inclusion and SDG
Client /Donor: Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO)
Geography: 3 Panchayats in Boipariguda block of Koraput district and 3 Panchayats in Kolnara block of Rayagada district
Period: 1 July 2018 – 31 March 2019
Nano unicorn – Promotion of Young Entrepreneurs
Goal / Objective:
Encourage entrepreneurship among the skill-trained youth to come up with a special scheme as Nano Unicorn Project
Geography: Odisha State
Client/Donor: Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)
Period: July 2017 – December 2018

Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Action
Vaccination Drive against Covid Pandemic
Objective: Organise community-level awareness programs/ vaccination campaigns, training on vaxIT and ODK collect, co-ordination with district/block administration.
Geography & Impact Group: Boipariguda blocks of Koraput district
Client/ Donors: APPI
Period: July 2021 – March 2022
SWARAKSHA – Vaccination against Covid Pandemic
Objective: Organise awareness programmes relating to Covid – 19 pandemic at the community level, facilitate vaccination drive against Corona virus, and provide minimum health care and food & nutrition support to the vulnerable families
Geography & Impact Group: 50000 population from 200 villages in 4 blocks of Koraput, Malkangiri & Rayagada districts
Client/ Donors: CRYPTO
Agri-Allied livelihoods and Food Security Support
Goal/ Objective Geography: Provide agri-inputs to the Flood (2020) affected farmers to support their livelihoods
Geography: 1250 HHs in 73 villages, 14 GPs of Bari block of Jajpur district
Client/ Donors: Change Alliance
Period: November 2020 to April 2021